Why Didn't You Review... Chance the Rapper - The Big Day

I want to introduce a new line of articles called "Why Didn't You Review?". These articles will cover popular albums that I may have missed out on, didn't care about, or was unsure if I could write a full article on.

The albums I speak on will be based heavily off of recommendations and request, so feel free to send in albums FROM ANY GENRE!

First album I will be covering is Chance the Rapper's The Big Day. You may be surprised, but I have actually listened to this album in full about 5 times already, and I have enough material for a full review...but I didn't write it.

Why didn't I review it?

1. Too many conflicting feelings

During my listen I felt like every time I heard something I like, I heard something equally as annoying. Chance would have a solid verse one song, and the next "Hot Shower" comes on and fails to connect in all ways. I honestly couldn't put a numerical value on this album. I would have written a full review and let the score up in the air.

2. I forgot about it... A lot.

If it wasn't for a few phone calls asking me what I thought about the album, I would have never remembered it. This album had all the hype possible surrounding it and it just came off really...forgettable. I feel like the album had nothing timeless about it, from the production (which isn't as good as Coloring Book), to the hooks (which Chance shouldn't sing), to the verses (which many didn't stand out) I just kind of went on about my day after hearing the album.

3. Social medias's reaction

When social media gets a hold of some things they can run it into the ground so fast you feel like your input is just another one of the billion comments people have already made. Needless to say some of the memes were funny, but after a couple days it got annoying, and the fans of Chance went crazy trying to defend the album.

4. Expectations

This is all me. No matter what Chance the Rapper released I was going to be slightly underwhelmed, after listening to "I might need security" on repeat a hundred times I felt that Chance was going to release and instant classic, then I saw the tracklist, I saw the studio session, and then I read the primary reviews. After following this album so closely I knew it had to be perfect, and it wasn't, it wasn't close. But it also wasn't horrible.

5. Target Audience

I can say wholeheartedly this album was meant for no one, but Chance the Rapper's wife. Not because every track was about her (outside of the best track "Roo" and the worst track "Hot Shower") , but because this album is void of a connection to it's audience. You're happy FOR Chance the Rapper, but not happy BECAUSE of Chance the Rapper.

It's like being at a distant relatives wedding. Hooray, marriage is a beautiful thing!!! Now let's get to the open bar and have the real fun. We know nothing about Chance's wife and family unless you follow him on social media, you don't witness the journey to the big day, you're just...at the wedding. Which isn't all bad, some of these songs are future wedding and cookout bangers.

Thank you all for checking out the article!

I want to give a personal shoult out to Dailyn Evans, Tavaria Miller, Richard Means, and Torrence Furlough for sharing my articles. I appreciate you support immensely.

Remember to send your suggestions to @CallmeLQ on Twitter and Instagram
